Boxing with Degenerative Disc Disease

Boxing with Degenerative Disc Disease

Boxing with Degenerative Disc Disease: How Boxing Can Help Alleviate Back Pain Disclosure: The information shared is based on a client’s experience living with DDD. SydFit Health Centre is not a licensed medical professional. Consultation with a healthcare...
The Power of an Effective Warm-Up

The Power of an Effective Warm-Up

  Effective Warm-Up Drills in Boxing: Optimize Your Performance at SydFit Health Centre Introduction to Boxing Warm-Ups Boxing is not just about throwing punches; it’s about precision, speed, and power, all of which require a solid foundation of fitness and...
Welcome to the Red Corner!

Welcome to the Red Corner!

From the Red Corner: A new blog segment by SydFIT Health Centre Welcome to “From the Red Corner,”—the newest blog segment presented by SydFIT Health Centre, where we dive deep into the boxing world. We’ll explore various topics, from health and fitness to technique...
Happy Healthy Holidays from SydFIT!

Happy Healthy Holidays from SydFIT!

Holidays are busy! Balancing work and family obligations with a side of party planning plus gift shopping is challenging but it’s not the time to skip the gym and meal prep! Healthy living is not a diet plan it’s a lifestyle. There’s no need to kick goals to the curb...